Retrieving Bank Status
The GetBanksStatus endpoint allows the user to retrieve a quick overview of the banks that are enabled for a given appKey. It returns a JSON-formatted response with a list of the enabled banks in the form of their bankId, country, and isAvailable status.
Below are examples of a cURL request to this endpoint, the request/response schema, and typical examples.
cURL Example
Here is an a example of how to call this endpoint directly from the shell with the cURL command:
curl --location --request POST '<HOST_URL>/v2/banks/status/getAll' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"appKey": “<YOUR_APPKEY>”,
"countries": ["AE"],
"environment": "production",
"isExperimental": false,
"category": "all"
Request Body Schema
If you're using something like Postman, the request body schema you would use is:
“appKey”: string,
“countries”: string[],
“environment”: string,
“isExperimental”: boolean,
“category”: string
A few notes about some of the fields:
- countries: an empty list will return results for all countries
- environment: (*enum: “production”, “sandbox”)
- category: (*enum: “primary”, “secondary”, “all”)
Example Request
Here is an example request body using the above schema:
"appKey": "875d4fbd90e8eabbe156a0b35e9e6as392cb66fee90171d7fr776afa582bc40e",
"countries": ["AE"],
"environment": "production",
"isExperimental": false,
"category": "all"
Response Schema
Here is the schema of a response for this endpoint:
“status”: string,
“success”: boolean,
"bankId": string,
"name": string,
"country": string,
"isAvailable": boolean
Successful Response Example
And finally, here is an example of a successful response:
"banks": [
"bankId": "MRMDUS33",
"name": "HSBC BANK USA, N.A.",
"country": "AE",
"isAvailable": false
"country": "AE",
"isAvailable": true
"status": "done",
"success": true
Updated over 1 year ago