Data APIs provide all the functionality required to obtain information about your users and their financial data.

The Data APIs are:

  • Identity - Provides information about the user
  • Bank Accounts - Provides information about all the sub-accounts that the user has in their bank account.
  • Account Transactions - Provides a complete list of transactions that the user has performed from a specific bank account
  • Bank Cards - Provides information about the credit cards of the user
  • Cards Transactions - Provides a complete list of transactions that the user has performed from a specific bank card


Get the identity information related to your user.


bankConnectionA connection to the bank that will be used to call APIs upon. The connection will include details about the bank. Check How To Create Bank Connection

Check the Identity Response


let connection = ... // selectedConnection or use Dapi.shared.connections to get cashed accounts
Dapi.shared.identity(bankConnection: connection) { results in
    switch results {
    case .success(let response):
    case .failure(let error):
DAPIBankConnection *connection = ... // selectedConnection or use Dapi.shared.connections to get cashed accounts
[Dapi.shared identityWithBankConnection:connection
                             completion:^(DAPIIdentityResponse * _Nullable response , NSError * _Nullable error) {
    NSLog(@"[DAPI] Success: %@",response);
    NSLog(@"[DAPI] Error: %@", error.dapiErrorMessage);

Bank Accounts

Provides information about all the sub-accounts that the user has in their bank account.


bankConnectionA connection to the bank that will be used to call APIs upon. The connection will include details about the bank. Check How To Create Bank Connection

Check the Bank Accounts Response


let connection = ... // selectedConnection or use Dapi.shared.connections to get cashed accounts

Dapi.shared.bankAccounts(bankConnection: connection) { results in
    switch results {
    case .success(let response):
    case .failure(let error):
DAPIBankConnection *connection = ... // selectedConnection or use Dapi.shared.connections to get cashed accounts
[Dapi.shared bankAccountsWithBankConnection:connection
                                 completion:^(DAPIBankAccountsResponse * _Nullable response,
                                              NSError * _Nullable error) {
    NSLog(@"[DAPI] Success: %@",response);
    NSLog(@"[DAPI] Error: %@", error.dapiErrorMessage);

Present Account Selection

Open Dapi's Accounts Screen to allow your user to select an account and get the result via closures accountDidSelect and accountSelectionFailed.

let connection = ... // selectedConnection or use Dapi.shared.connections to get cashed accounts
let bankAccountsVC = DAPIBankAccountsVC(bankConnection: connection)

bankAccountsVC.accountDidSelect = { account in

bankAccountsVC.accountSelectionFailed = { error in

self.present(bankAccountsVC, animated: true)
DAPIBankConnection *connection = ... // selectedConnection or use Dapi.shared.connections to get cashed accounts
DAPIBankAccountsVC *accountVC = [[DAPIBankAccountsVC alloc] initWithBankConnection: connection

[accountVC setAccountDidSelect:^(DAPIBankAccount * _Nonnull account) {
    NSLog(@"[DAPI] Success: %@",;

[accountVC setAccountSelectionFailed:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {
    NSLog(@"[DAPI] error: %@",error.dapiErrorMessage);

[self presentViewController:accountVC animated:YES completion:nil];

Bank Cards

A method for obtaining and displaying credit cards of the user.


bankConnectionA connection to the bank that will be used to call APIs upon. The connection will include details about the bank. Check How To Create Bank Connection

Check the Bank Cards Response


let connection = ... // selectedConnection or use Dapi.shared.connections to get cashed accounts

Dapi.shared.bankCards(bankConnection: connection) { results in
    switch results {
    case .success(let response):
    case .failure(let error):
DAPIBankConnection *connection = ... // selectedConnection or use Dapi.shared.connections to get cashed accounts
[Dapi.shared bankCardsWithBankConnection: connection
                               completion:^(DAPIBankCardsResponse * _Nullable response,
                                            NSError * _Nullable error) {
    NSLog(@"[DAPI] Success: %@", response);
    NSLog(@"[DAPI] Error: %@", error.dapiErrorMessage);

Account Transactions

A method for obtaining and displaying transactions created from user's bank accounts. The list will not be filtered. In other words, this will display all the transactions performed by the user from the specified account (not filtered by the app).


bankConnectionA connection to the bank that will be used to call APIs upon. The connection will include details about the bank. Check How To Create Bank Connection
bankAccountIDThe ID for bank account which the transaction was performed from
typeEnum to specify transactions type, if you didn't set it would be .default value.

default → Each transaction won't include category and brandDetails
enriched → Each transaction object will have category and brandDetails properties.
categorized → Each transaction object will have a category property.
startDateStart date of transactions history range, Must be in the following format yyyy-MM-dd
endDateEnd date of transactions history range, Must be in the following format yyyy-MM-dd

Check the Account Transactions Response


let connection = ... // selectedConnection or use Dapi.shared.connections to get cashed accounts
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"

Dapi.shared.accountTransactions(bankConnection: connection,
                                bankAccountID: <##bank_account_ID##>,
                             	  type: .enriched,
                                from: "2021-01-25"),
                                to: "2021-04-25")) { results in
    switch results {
    case .success(let response):
    case .failure(let error):
DAPIBankConnection *connection = ... // selectedConnection or use Dapi.shared.connections to get cashed accounts
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd"];
[Dapi.shared accountTransactionsWithBankConnection: connection
                                     bankAccountID: @"<##bank_account_ID##>"
                                              from:[dateFormatter dateFromString: @"2022-01-01"]
                                                to:[dateFormatter dateFromString: @"2022-02-09"]
                                        completion:^(DAPITransactionsResponse * _Nullable response, NSError * _Nullable error) {
    NSLog(@"[DAPI] Success: %@",response);
    NSLog(@"[DAPI] Error: %@", error.dapiErrorMessage);

Cards Transactions

A method for obtaining and displaying transactions created from a card. The list will not be filtered. In other words, this will display all the transactions performed by the user from the specified credit card (not filtered by the app).


bankConnectionA connection to the bank that will be used to call APIs upon. The connection will include details about the bank. Check How To Create Bank Connection
cardIDThe ID for card which the transaction was performed from
typeEnum to specify transactions type, if you didn't set it would be .default value.

default → Each transaction won't include category and brandDetails.
enriched → Each transaction object will have category and brandDetails properties.
categorized → Each transaction object will have a category property.
startDateStart date of transactions history range, Must be in the following format yyyy-MM-dd
endDateEnd date of transactions history range, Must be in the following format yyyy-MM-dd

Check the Cards Transactions Response


let connection = ... // selectedConnection or use Dapi.shared.connections to get cashed accounts
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"

Dapi.shared.cardTransactions(bankConnection: connection,
                             cardID: <##card_ID##>,
                             type: .enriched,
                             from: "2021-01-25"),
                             to: "2021-04-25")) { results in
    switch results {
    case .success(let response):
    case .failure(let error):
DAPIBankConnection *connection = ... // selectedConnection or use Dapi.shared.connections to get cashed accounts
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd"];
[Dapi.shared cardTransactionsWithBankConnection: connection
                                         cardID: @"<##card_ID##>>"
                                           from:[dateFormatter dateFromString: @"2022-01-01"]
                                             to:[dateFormatter dateFromString: @"2022-02-09"]
                                     completion:^(DAPITransactionsResponse * _Nullable response, NSError * _Nullable error) {
    NSLog(@"[DAPI] Success: %@",response);
    NSLog(@"[DAPI] Error: %@", error.dapiErrorMessage);


Date range of the transactions that can be retrieved varies for each bank. The range supported by the users bank is shown in the response parameter transactionRange of Get Accounts Metadata endpoint. If the date range you provide is bigger than the transactionRange you'll get INVALID_DATE_RANGE error.

To make sure you always send a valid date range you should check the transactionsRange.

private func getTransactionsFor(numberOfMonths: Int ) {
    let days = numberOfMonths * 30
    let daySeconds = 24*60*60
    self.connection?.getAccountMetadata({ response, error, operationID in
        let transactionsRetentionPeriod = response?.transactionsRetentionPeriod
        let now = Date()
        var fromDate = Date()
        if(transactionsRetentionPeriod == nil) {
            //Can't check transactions range..
        if(Int(transactionsRetentionPeriod!.magnitude) / daySeconds > days) {
            //numberOfMonths is within the transaction range
            fromDate = .day, value: -days, to: now)!
        } else {
            //numberOfMonths is NOT within the transaction range, so we query only for the allowed range
            fromDate = .second, value: Int(transactionsRetentionPeriod!.magnitude * -1), to: now)!
        if let accs = self.connection?.accounts, !accs.isEmpty {
            self.connection?.getTransactionsFor(accs[0], from: fromDate, to: Date(), type: .default, completion: { (transactions, error, opID) in