
SDK Installation

Follow the guide to set-up Android SDK integration

Steps To Add Dapi To Your Project

1. Get Your API Key AppKey

2. Set up Backend Server

  • Important! Using the SDK requires configuring a backend server. Read more about the flow and requirements: Server set-up for SDKs. For development purposes, the server can be easily set up on your local machine.

  • Once the server runs successfully, make sure to add the host URL as App Server URL on the Dapi Dashboard

Now the SDK will automatically know where to send its requests!

3. Add Project Bundle ID to Dashboard

  1. Open your .build.gradle file
  2. Copy the value of applicationId

  1. Open your app in the Dashboard.
  2. Select your Application → Go to App Settings
  3. Click on the Bundle IDs + icon, paste the Bundle ID value, and click Submit

Install Dapi Android SDK

Open Gradle Scripts | build.gradle (Module: app) and do the following:

  1. Add the following to the dependencies {} section of your build.gradle (module: app) file to compile the latest version of the Connect SDK:
implementation "co.dapi:connect:2.37.5"
  1. Save and close build.gradle (Module: app).

  2. Build your project.


  1. Open your application class file and import Dapi there
import co.dapi.connect.core.base.Dapi
  1. Start the SDK in onCreate method
    application = this,
    appKey = "<#app_key#>",
    clientUserID = "<#client_user_id#>",
    onSuccess = {

    onFailure = { error ->

        () -> {
            return Unit.INSTANCE;
        (error) -> {
            return Unit.INSTANCE;
  • Replace app_key with your appKey from the first step.

  • ClientUserID is used to distinguish between different end-users. The value for clientUserID needs to be set by you. We recommend setting clientUserID to your actual user ID that you use to distinguish between users.


Clone this repository, run the application and see Dapi in action.

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