
Error Codes

Banking Errors

Input Errors

These errors occur when you or your user have entered incorrect information. Please verify values in your request body and try again.

HTTP Status CodeError TypeDescriptionHow to Handle
401INACTIVE_ACCOUNTProvided account number is incorrect or inactive.Verify that the request body contains valid values for request parameters or contact your bank.
401INVALID_CREDENTIALSYour user entered invalid login credentials.Prompt the user to try again.
401INVALID_MFAYour user has entered invalid MFA information (OTP, Secret Question).Prompt the user to try again.
404INVALID_ACCOUNT_IDProvided account ID is incorrect.Verify that the request body contains valid identifiers.
404INVALID_CARD_IDProvided card ID is incorrect.Verify that the request body contains valid identifiers.
400INVALID_DATE_RANGEProvided date range is not supported by the bank.Enter a date range of up to x days.
400PARAMETER_ERRORYour request body contains incorrect parameters.Verify that your request body is properly formatted in accordance to our endpoints.
422PARAMETER_MISSINGYour request body is missing necessary parameters.Verify that your request body is properly formatted in accordance to our endpoints.

Invalid Request Errors

These errors occur when the financial institution does not accept the requested operation. Please see error details below and attempt a different request.

HTTP Status CodeError TypeDescriptionHow to Handle
400INSUFFICIENT_BALANCEThe user's account does not have sufficient balance for this transaction.Check the balance and try a different amount.
400BENEFICIARY_NOT_ACTIVATEDBeneficiary has not been activated as two factor authentication is required.Prompt the user to take necessary further action.
400BENEFICIARY_COOL_DOWN_PERIODNew beneficiary will be activated for fund transfer after x hour(s).Attempt transactions once this cool down period has elapsed.
400BENEFICIARY_ALREADY_EXISTSA beneficiary with this account number or IBAN already exists.Try the Create Transfer endpoint instead.
401ACCOUNT_LOCKEDAccount locked out due to too many failed login attempts.Prompt the user to reset their password and try again.
401INACTIVE_ACCOUNTThis account has been deactivated.Prompt the user to contact their bank.
401DUPLICATE_TRANSFERThe same transaction has already been initiated a short time ago.Initiate a different transfer or try again later.
401ACCOUNT_FEATURE_LOCKEDThis operation is locked by the bank.Contact your bank.
400DAILY_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDThe entered amount exceeds the maximum daily limit set by the user.Inform the user to enter a lesser amount or adjust the daily limit from the user's online banking.
400TRANSACTION_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDYou have exceeded the limit defined for the transaction you are trying to execute.Inform the user to enter a lesser amount or adjust the transaction limit from the user's online banking.
400USER_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDThe amount you have entered exceeds the User limit.Inform the user to enter a lesser amount or adjust the user limit from the user's online banking.
400PART_OF_ANOTHER_SUBPRODUCTThis endpoint is included in a different type of request for this bank (payment/transfer/create).Try the operation using a different type of request.
400AMOUNT_BELOW_TRANSFER_LIMITThe bank has a minimum required amount for the transfer. The current amount is below the bank's minimum.Try the the operation with an amount that is at least the minimum transfer limit for the bank.
400BENEFICIARY_NAME_TAKENThe bank does not allow multiple beneficiaries with the same name.Try the request again with a different beneficiary name.
400AMOUNT_ABOVE_TRANSFER_LIMITThe bank has a maximum amount for the transfer. The current amount is above the allowed bank's maximum.Try the the operation with an amount that is at most the maximum transfer limit for the bank.
400TRANSFER_CONFIRMATION_FAILEDIt is unknown whether the transfer was process. Mainly caused by internal bank errors.Contact the user to determine the result of the transfer.
400BENEFICIARY_NICKNAME_NAME_TAKENThe bank does not allow multiple beneficiaries with the same nickname.Try the request again with a different beneficiary nickname.
400BENEFICIARY_NICKNAME_CHARACTER_LIMITThe bank has a limit on the length of the nickname.Try the request again with a shorter beneficiary nickname.
400BENEFICIARY_NAME_CHARACTER_LIMITThe bank has a limit on the length of the name.Try the request again with a shorter beneficiary name.

Retryable Errors

These errors are usually caused by a failed connection to the bank or our servers. Please try the request again.

HTTP Status CodeError TypeDescriptionHow to Handle
400UNABLE_TO_CONNECT_TO_BANKFailed attempt to connect to the user's bank.Retry the request.
500UNKNOWN_ERRORAn unknown interruption occurred while performing your request.Retry the request.
401SESSION_INVALIDATEDYour user's session has expired or been terminated by the bank.Retry the request.
400USER_ALREADY_LOGGED_INThis bank does not support concurrent login.Retry the request.
503TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLEAn error occurred due to financial institution downtime.Retry the request.

Set-up Errors

These errors occur when you have misconfigured the API calls that are being sent to Dapi.

Error TypeDescription
NOT_FOUNDYou are most likely trying to call an endpoint that does not exist. Please double-check the URL.
INVALID_ARGSPlease double-check the arguments you are sending in the request.
INVALID_TOKENMake sure you are using the right token. NB! Make sure you have set the accessToken as the Bearer Token in the request header.
INVALID_SECRETSDouble-check the integrity of the secrets that you are using. NB! If you are using an SDK, make sure you have added the appSecret to the Server.
BAD_REQUESTDouble-check the format of your request.
UNAUTHORIZEDYou are not authorized to call the endpoint. Make sure your appKey has the necessary permissions.

Implementation Errors

These errors occur when either our system or the financial institution does not support your request. Please try a different operation.

Error TypeDescription
CREATE_TRANSFER_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTEDWe do not currently support this transfer type.
CREATE_BENEFICIARY_SAME_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTEDWe do not currently support this beneficiary type.
CREATE_TRANSFER_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTEDWe do not currently support this transfer type.
CREATE_BENEFICIARY_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTEDWe do not currently support this beneficiary type.
CREATE_BENEFICIARY_INTL_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTEDWe do not currently support this beneficiary type.
PRODUCT_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe endpoint you are trying to connect is currently not supported.

Sandbox Errors

These errors only happen in the sandbox environment.

Error TypeDescription
SANDBOX_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUNDYou are trying to interact with a sandbox account that does not exist for your appKey.

NB! If you are trying to create a transfer, make sure that the beneficiary is another sandbox user that you have already created.